New Years Eve celebration background

Body Genie

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Your Wish is Your Command

Only 10 Spots available

What if You Could Eat in a Calorie Deficit,so easily that it felt like Magic...

This Beta program is group coaching where I personally help you design and build the neural pathways that will bring you a body you love from the inside out.

I plan on charging ($1499) for this program when I launch it but if you're reading this, the good news is that I am looking for beta testers and when you're accepted you can get started for 2 installments of only $349.50

here's what you'll get:

Happy Black Woman Greeting Fitness Coach, Training Online





The core lessons of the Embodiment method that help you to erase old programming and replace with the programming to be an effortlessly healthy eater.

Woman with Headphones Using a Laptop



You'll receive 8 weekly group coaching calls to ensure you never get stuck and get all your questions answered.

Group Support



A private Telegram group where you will have the chance to receive support from others who are on the same path.


You'll also get:

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1 Private 1:1 Call withme

You'll receive 1 private 1:1 call ($500 value )which can be used anytime within 3 months of the first day of the cohort.

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Eat for Nourishment Audio

You'll also receive a unique audio meditation that helps you rewire your brain to eat in a nourishing way while you simply lie back and relax.

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The Ultimate Guide to

Stop Binge Eating in Secret

Finally, you'll receie a FREE copy of my ebook where I share my exact 4 step process to go from binge eating nightly to being able to get through any craving without giving in.




This is not for someone looking for a "quick fix" solution or to lose 20 pounds in a month. I'll give you the tools to get the results you want, but you must put in the work.


This is not a prescriptive plan telling you exactly what to eat. So if you're looking for that, this is not a good fit for you.


This is not for you if you are wanting to have all your feelings validated but not interested in real change.


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If you are 100% committed to change EVEN if it means you're uncomfortable, then this program is perfect for you.

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If you're the kind of person who knows deep down you're not meant to just reach the "status quo" and you're meant to do extroardinary things, then this is the place for you.

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If you have a desire to show up more brave in life so you can help others and want to be in better integrity with yourself, then this program is a match for you.

Shelves Filled with Vintage Books

beta offer

closes Soon

Only 10 Sots available

save 46% when you sign up today

Why I created this program

10 years ago I was miserable, 1oo+ pounds overweight and completely out of control with my eating.

I tried every diet under the sun, mindful eating, intuitive eating, therapy and even a 12 step program!

I was committed to changing and valued my health, but it seemed like food had a pull on me that I couldn't seem to break free from

i knew something had to change

Here's the Secret...

The reason you keep falling back into old habits is because you are trying to change in the OPPOSITE way your brain works.

You're not alone.

I tried every diet under the sun, mindful eating, intuitive eating, therapy and even a 12 step program!

I started to wonder if weight loss was even possible for me until I learned how to train my brain to accept change.

Until you are comfortable with discomfort, you will keep doing well for a little whie and then falling back into old habits.

That's why I created Body Genie, the 8 week group coaching program that helps you to rewire your brain so that you can be more disciplined and lose weight without feeling like you're fighting against yourself.

the lovely things they say


Reshanda gave me new tools, went deeper and in a direction that I have never gone with a coach or program before. She’s down to earth, real and has a great toolkit that truly makes a difference.

Leah Lovero, USA

After working with Reshanda, I'm allowing food to nourish me, I can eat without guilt. I've moved on and I can't begin to explain how grateful I am."

Andie Murphy, AUSTRALIA

"I'm in the fitness world and I knew that in order to help others I had to get myself healthy. I took the course and learned how to regulate myself and my body which let me regulate my eating. Reshanda is extremely good at what she does. I can't recommend her enough."

Keisha Tower, USA

the lovely things they say


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Will this work for me?

I’ll be honest with you, if you’re the kind of person who never really struggled with their weight, overeats every once and a while and just wants to “slim down,” this program won’t do much for you. However, if you’ve battled obsessive food thoughts, yo-yo body weight, and have had periods of freedom but can’t quite seem to break free…then you will absolutely benefit from this program.

How will it work?

Each Week on Monday you will receive your module training delivered to your email. There will be a weekly live group coaching call TBA to overcome obstacles and ask questions.

Enroll by Friday, December 30, 5PM CST.

What if I can't make the weekly call?

No worries. Each call will be recorded and you can watch when its convenient for you.

Help, I still have questions! What ​should I do if I'm still not sure?

Reach out to me with any questions at or DM me on Instagram with your questions.

Are you in?

only [10] spots

are available

If you've been looking to lose weight without feeling deprived or light you're fighting yourself, then now is the time. I can't promise this investment point will be offered again.

Remember, my goal is to turn this into the best course for emotional eaters who want to lose weight without feeling deprived. That means that we're going to be working together extra closely to make this into a massive success for both of us!

I'm excited to see you inside the Beta and get you those results!

the lovely things they say


Quotation Mark

I enjoyed pizza, a former "forbidden" food

Quotation Mark

Nothing has worked...until Now

If they can do it, You can do it

Quotation Mark

i never thought this would be possible